Category: Uncategorized

  • How to report pesticide bee-kills

  • Xerces Introduces Santa Fe Pollinator Trail workshop April 19, 2021

    April 191:00 PM – 2:00 PM (MT)Webinar Join Kaitlin Haase and Emily May, Pollinator Conservation Specialists with the Xerces Society, to learn more about opportunities to create pollinator habitat in the Santa Fe area. Kaitlin will introduce the Santa Fe Pollinator Trail, an effort to create connected, climate-resilient habitat for pollinators in urban Santa Fe.…

  • NMBKA 2021 Virtual conference Sat. Feb. 6, 9-4

  • WAS Mini-Conference Dec. 5

    MINI-CONFERENCE – Open to All WAS members and Free to the Public on Zoom December 5, 2020  7:00 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)  Registration:  Sign-up to receive a Zoom link On a Cold Day in December, Let’s Talk about Heating Beehives! 7:00–7:45 p.m. (MST)  Etienne Tardiff, WAS Yukon Territories DirectorTitle: Do Bees Heat the Inside of the Hive?  Presentation + Q&ADescription: Etienne…

  • 2020 New Mexico Beekeepers Association Winter Conference Schedule

  • Sangre de Cristo Beekeepers Meeting Oct. 9 at 6:30 p.m.

    Hello Fellow Beekeepers, We will resume meetings October 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Railyard Community Room. Mark Sommer from the Certified Beekeepers Program of the New Mexico Beekeepers Association will discuss evaluating and preparing  bee colonies for the winter.  We will discuss further details about meeting days and program topics so please plan to attend and…

  • New Mailing List

    Hello everyone! We now have a new mailing list! To use the mailing list you must first sign up.  After you have subscribed send email to and it will go to everyone. When replying to others messages you MUST use reply-all in order to reply to the list. Jason

  • Welcome to the SDC Beeks

    Hello beekeepers and bee interested folks! Our goal is to provide an online presence for beekeepers and the community to come together and collaborate. This site is built so that you can participate. If you are interested in participating, please contact us and send your article, news or comments, so we can publish it on…

  • Water Wise Plants for Honey Bees

    A list of drought resistant plants that provide great forage for honey bees: Aster (various). Purple Aster: Aster bigelovii. Profusely branched annual or biennial to 3 feet. Becomes a solid mound of lilac flowers in the fall. Plant seeds anytime, early fall is best. Water for more abundant flowering. Blue Mist Spirea Caryopteris x clandonesis.…

  • Honey Bee Forage Plants for Backyard Gardens in Northern NM

    Herbs Alliums Allium (various). Summer bloom. Perennial. Water thrifty to moderate water. Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum. Mid summer bloom. Three-foot erect narrow, short-lived perennial with spikes of light blue flowers. Delightful anise scent. Basil Ocimun baslicum. Many varieties: Lemon, Genovese, Anise, Thai and others. Tender annual herb. Aromatic leaves. Good companion plant with tomatoes. Likes…