Tag: gardening

  • Water Wise Plants for Honey Bees

    A list of drought resistant plants that provide great forage for honey bees: Aster (various). Purple Aster: Aster bigelovii. Profusely branched annual or biennial to 3 feet. Becomes a solid mound of lilac flowers in the fall. Plant seeds anytime, early fall is best. Water for more abundant flowering. Blue Mist Spirea Caryopteris x clandonesis.…

  • Honey Bee Forage Plants for Backyard Gardens in Northern NM

    Herbs Alliums Allium (various). Summer bloom. Perennial. Water thrifty to moderate water. Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum. Mid summer bloom. Three-foot erect narrow, short-lived perennial with spikes of light blue flowers. Delightful anise scent. Basil Ocimun baslicum. Many varieties: Lemon, Genovese, Anise, Thai and others. Tender annual herb. Aromatic leaves. Good companion plant with tomatoes. Likes…